Which Enema Position Is Best?

If you're thinking about doing your first enema, or you've just done your first one and weren't quite sure if you were in the right position, you're reading the perfect article.

The fact of the matter is, the secret to a comfortable enema position is all down to experimentation and finding what's most comfortable for your body.

Some people will say that the left side is best to get the flow correct. Others will swear that standing on their head gives them the best results. At the end of the day, you just need to try different positions yourself and find out which works best for you.

There are 3 main positions that people most commonly use when doing an enema, and we recommend trying them out in the following order:


1. The Left-Side Enema Position

  1. Simply lie down on your left side with your leg closest to the ground straight out.
  2. Bring your right knee up towards your chest and rest it on the floor.
  3. Use a pillow or your left arm to cushion your head from the ground.
  4. You should now have easy access to your anus and can easily insert and remove the enema bag or enema buckets nozzle.

2. The On The Back Enema Position

  1. Simply lay on your back with a pillow under your head if required (some people like to do this in the bath tub too).
  2. Bring your knees up to your chest (another advantage to the bathtub is that you can put your feet against the wall).
  3. Let your hands rest on your knees or by your side and simply insert and remove the enema nozzle as required.

3. The Buttocks Up Enema Position

  1. First get onto your knees on the floor.
  2. Then place your elbows down onto the ground, so you are like a dog stretching downwards (some people find that it's more comfortable to rest their head on their hands and bring their chest closer to the floor).
  3. Insert and remove the nozzle as required, but be aware that the nozzle can slip out more easily when you are in this position.

One final tip is to always make sure you're trying these positions out when you're nearby a toilet! Once you're more experienced you may be able to do your enemas further away - but best to play it safe to begin with.


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